Friday, December 19, 2014

K&L Bows Giveaway!

Oh yes. My good friend who makes a lot of the bows we have for the girls has agreed to do a giveaway!  I'm super excited about this!

She is super talented and makes all kinds of awesome bows, headbands, lanyards, and key fobs!  There are a bajillion colors and styles and patterns to choose from. I was there for about 3 hours one day just trying to decide what combinations I wanted for my girls.

And of course we had to model Caroline in a few bows too. She's donning a Christmas bow and a red chevron headband in this picture.

And all three girls are wearing bows and headbands from K&L Bows in this picture too.

Here is her daughter wearing some cheer bows - love them!

And here's a close up of the shabby flowers, we have a few of these!

Want to win a $50 credit to her shop?? Enter in the rafflecopter for your chance to win!! She MUST get to 750 likes to do the giveaway!

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