Monday, June 22, 2015

Life Lately - Summer Vacation Week 3

I can't believe that we are somehow on Week 4 of our summer vacation already! we have a lot planned for this week. But here's how some highlights of our Week 3.

Autumn had her {BIG dentist appointment}

My husband found this old school computer at Goodwill... Brooklynn is obsessed with it! Look at her with her computer, coffee, and bagel. haha! She says "mommy, I'm doing work on my computer - boop boop boop! Just like you!"  Good gosh, I love it!

Playing, for these girls, is nothing normal. There's usually a princess involved...and then Autumn decided that she needed to be in the This pictures just makes me happy.

I'm still truckin' along with my workouts and bootcamp... even if I don't feel like doing it, I make myself do it anyway. I'm always happy I did it, and I know I will be - that helps keep me motivated too!

I also made {this} fun workout bottle decal!

Caroline {turned 7 months old!}  This girls just makes my heart happy. She's such a sweet baby!

B and I went {paddleboarding} with one of my friends. 


This picture just cracks me up!  I promise I'm not knockin' Autumn out of the way, but that's what it sure looks like! haha!

We spent a lot of time in our pool {this last week}...and I imagine we will for a long time!

We also went to Downtown Disney to meet up with one of my blogging friends.

This picture just cracks me up... look at how pale she is compared to me...and I don't remember looking at her and thinking she was that pale! Maybe I just need less of a tan.

Of course we had to stop in the Lego store. I swear, my house is going to be made of Legos here pretty soon!

And theeen... they found a "build your own light saber."  Oy!

And we had dinner at Rainforest Cafe. "The Little Mermaid" pose. It just feels natural on her. haha

Oh! We went down to the {Sailfish Splash park} this weekend too! It's an annual tradition we do each summer. I can't wait to see the pictures of all of our kids growing up through the years!

Check out the rest of our summer vacation so far!

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