Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Favorites - Workouts!

I'm linking up with AndreaNarci, and Erica for Friday Favorites!

This week's Friday Favorites is all about my favorite workouts!

As most of you know, I love working out - and I do my workouts at home, because of my schedule and my kids.  I really don't let those things become an excuse. Just something I have to make work FOR me.  And I do.

Lately, with my Fitness Instagram, I have been able to connect with so many people. I have even had people tell me that I am a motivation for them! Seriously. That is mind boggling, because I get so much motivation from other people that I didn't even think of myself as a motivator. But I love it. I love that I am helping others want to live a better life.

So I've decided to finally take the steps to become a {BeachBody Coach}. I'm pretty excited about it! I'm pretty passionate about working out, eating healthy, and I do love my daily dose of Shakeology!

So, since I own pretty much every Beach Body workout there is, I decided to do my review on them. 

These are not in order of favorites, because honestly, my favorites change like the tide. I am really good at sticking with one or two and then switching it to something else.

One of my favorites is Les Mills Pump. I love using weights, and this not only uses weights, but it gets your heart rate up so you're burning fat with it!

I post a lot of pictures of my workouts with Pump. It really is one of my favorites.

My other favorite is Piyo. Oh. Em. Gee. EVERY time I do this, it's such a great workout! Doesn't matter if the exercise is easier, as in I can move more into the pose, it just seems to keep getting harder! ha!

I'm also loving Body Beast right now. Again, I'm a weights girl. I can't do a lot of fast-paced jumping cardio (I have a bad neck and all that jumping around really hurts my neck). I can always count on Sagi giving me an awesome workout!

I also just order the 21 Day Fix Extreme pack! I am super excited to try out these workouts! I've heard they're really hard and good! I'll let you know once I try them.

And for my final favorite... Shakeology! I have been drinking at least one shake, if not 2 shakes, every day for the last 3 years. Haha! I'm a loyal customer, for sure!  My favorite flavors are Strawberry, Vegan Tropical, and Chocolate.  With the Chocolate, I like to add almond milk, frozen 1/2 banana, and PB2. With the Strawberry and the Tropical, I like to do almond milk, frozen 1/2 banana, and frozen strawberries.  I will also just use water with the strawberry and tropical.

If you are at all interested in doing any of these workouts - or any other workouts, click on my link {HERE}! There are TONS of other workouts and recipes for Shakeology!

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