Saturday, December 31, 2016

Last few days of 2016

Well, another year has come and gone. I can't believe it.

It's true what they say.
"The days are long, but the years are short."

I'm not sure who "they" is, but "they" are right!!

The 28th was Brooklynn's birthday.  I have decided that from now on, I'm going to take birthdays down... A LOT of notches. They're just a lot of work. So we had a few fun things planned for Brooklynn, and called it "done."

She woke up that morning and got her birthday present... she adores Caroline's Baby Stella, so I got her one, but the "older" version. 

Then we headed to the library... because I have decided that I am GETTING back into reading! I LOVE reading. I MISS reading. I'm going to make a goal of at least 2 books a month. I've even set up a Goodreads account, you can check it out HERE.

Later that day, we took the big girls to see a movie... Moana. Oh. My. Lanta. I LOVED it. I probably cried a few times.

We always take the girls' measurements on their birthday... I just can't get over how much older she looks here. For goodness sake.

The next day, the big girls and I went to the beach. It was such a GLORIOUS day. I brought my book I started the night before. 
You guys... I finished the book in TWO days! It was SO good. You must read it! 

It was so nice, relaxing at the beach with a book in hand, the waves crashing on the shore, the girls giggling and running around, the sun shining on me. I will spend my entire life never getting enough of this. 

Being on break, I have really set aside time for me. Making myself better - in my mind and my body. 

Friday, my parents took the girls and me ice skating. My dad got to try out his go pro for the first time. hehehe

Brooklynn absolutely LOVED it. She started off with the walker.

..and ended up being able to do it on her own!

Autumn did pretty well too. 

These Florida girls... a little weary of this solid white stuff. haha

Sweet little Caroline just watched from the sidelines. She was so good! I couldn't believe it, honestly.

After a few hours, we had a few more birthday items and a giant cupcake for Brooklynn. If you know my B, you know she is obsessed with Peppa. I don't know why, but she was so excited to get this. lol

And then today.... the last day of 2016.

I am ending the year off on the right foot....

I took an hour long walk today. Not a run. A walk. Listening to my audiobook and just taking in the beauty of the morning. I mean, look at that sky and lake and beauty.  

I also did my Core de Force workout today. I'm NOT skipping on this one. I'm finishing this one out! lol

What is it with kids and still going in the pool when it's winter? I mean, I know it's winter in FL, but still. the water is pretty cold!

They ended up all taking their clothes off and going swimming... because kids can never just put their feet in the water. ha!

After C's nap, we went for a walk. This girl is SO independent... her wanting to hold hands just melts my heart. I will take it as long as I can get it. 

and we came home and she started doing my hair..ha!

That's the end of the year.... I'm not sure I'll make it to midnight, I rarely do...but we will be home, staying safe and cozy....

Oh, I'm ordering a pair of house slippers - now if that doesn't say "adult-ing" then I don't know what does! haha!

Happy New Year!

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