Sunday, August 23, 2015

Our Week of Firsts

The week of back to school. It was different for everyone. I went back first, then Brooklynn, then Autumn. We might've all had different  start times, but we made it work!

Brooklynn had "Meet the Teacher" on Monday of my preplanning. Ron was working, so during my lunch, I went to get her from Mimi's so she could meet her teacher, then took her back to Mimi's.

That night, I decorated her bag for school. They have to use canvas totes instead of backpacks, so I vinyl them. Brooklynn got Tinkerbell, because, well, Brooklynn IS Tinkerbell. ha! Autumn got a pink mermaid, of course!

Brooklynn's first day of Preschool was on Thursday. Her school started on Wednesday, but she's only going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

That was also the first day of Gymnastics for the semester.  

Let me tell you about that day.

Ron worked that day. I didn't want Brooklynn to have to spend her first day of school at before care, all day at school, and then go to aftercare.  So my mom picked her up from school and kept her. I picked up Autumn and Caroline from Mimi's and then met my parents at the gas station down the road on the way to gymnastics. 

It was a crazy day. We went to our favorite "after gymnastics dinner" place where life could calm down...and I realized that day. It takes a village to raise children. I'm okay with that. Because we are lucky to have people in our lives that love my girls and are happy to help! That means more to me than trying to do everything on my own. 

Can I do it all? Yes, but why should I when there's a village? And look how happy they are! Are they suffering because I don't do it all? Nope. They are feeling more loved, I think, because they can see and feel the love of the people around them!

That weekend, the sun was shining and of course we headed to the beach! 

Then Monday was Autumn's first day of Kindergarten!  She's coming to my school now.

I really like having her at my school. I get to see her all the time. She goes to activity right before us, so I see her in the transition. And she goes to lunch right after we do, so when I walk in to get my kids, she's sitting right there for me to hug and kiss and yell at if she hasn't eaten her food before her snacks. haha! 

And she happens to have one of the best teachers, Mrs. Jones. She already loves her! I can't wait to see what she learns from her this year!

It has definitely been a crazy few weeks, but it has been great!! Here's to a great year for us all!

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