Thursday, March 2, 2017

Race Weekend

Race weekend!

Last month, I had a Disney 1/2 marathon race to run... it didn't happen. Florida weather. Ugh.

This month... I had a Glass Slipper Challenge to run (10K and a 1/2 marathon).

Weather was PERFECT.

I left work Friday and headed to the Expo and packet pick up. Let me tell you. A Disney Expo is really awesome. So MUCH energy and excitement and vendors just PACKED into the building. The expo always takes my money. lol

Headed to the hotel afterwards to get some dinner with my friends who were there for the race too.

Then... bed.

Because I had a 3:30 alarm to get up Saturday morning for my first run.

Tori and I were ready to go!

We didn't stop for any pictures for the 10K. I was just kind of in my "mindset" of need to just run and finish it.  But when we ran through Epcot, it was just so beautiful.

and we got our medals...

BTW... there were lines to get pictures with the Princesses. There were only 2. Neither one of them I was TOO excited about... but woudn't you know. As soon as we got out of line, they switched the princess in our line to Ariel! Son of

That's okay - Ron and Jody were headed over with the girls for their race! Autumn was NOT feeling her best. She still had the flu.  But she refused to NOT run her race. It was only a mile. I figured she would be okay. Her and Leala really like to run together, anyway.

This picture warms my heart.

My sick little girl with her 3rd medal.

Hanging out after the race watching the other "teams."

After the race, Ron and the girls and I headed out for lunch. They left to go back home and then I headed back to the hotel. 

I spent a good hour or 2 laying in the sun, listening to my audiobook and drifting in and out of sleep.

It was PURE heaven.

Then I headed back to the hotel and drifted in and out of sleep for the rest of the night... because I had another 3:30 wake up call.

Let me tell you. 
The morning of the this race was NOT the best morning. 
I could barely walk because my heel hurt SO. FREAKING. BAD.
I sat for AN HOUR in stand-still traffic to drive 5 minutes to get to Epcot for the race.
And the race itself is SO packed, that you can't really run the don't try to P.R. in those races, unless you're in corral A or B.

But it's definitely a FUN race!

Here are some pics from the 13 miles of fun. 




Aside from standing in lines for pictures, we pretty much "ran" the whole thing. I'm impressed with us. My heel was in so much pain, Tori had her own pains, the race was packed... but we did it.

I'm kind of in love with this set of medals.

Also, while at the Expo, I bought these Oofos shoes. I had a few friends recommend them to me for my planter fasitis. 

They aren't the prettiest. But MAN, they are SO support and comfy. I won't wear anything else in my house now.... I'm debating whether or not to get a "pretty" pair for wearing out and about.

So that's my race weekend. My last Disney race (unless I get to do DisneyLAND over in CA). I'm happy with how they turned out.

Who would have ever thought I would be running 10Ks and 1/2 marathons.


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